
Film Studies A Level

A Level | WJEC/Eqduqas

An introduction to the exciting world of film, covering Hollywood, European and world cinema. You will develop critical and analytical skills.

The specification is designed to introduce learners to a wide variety of texts in order to broaden their knowledge and understanding of film and the range of responses films can generate.

It offers opportunities to study mainstream American films from the past and the present as well as a range of recent and contemporary British films, American independent films and global films, both non-English language and English language.

The historical contexts represented in the films is extended by the study of significant film movements so that learners can gain a sense of the development of film from its early years to its still emerging digital future. Studies in documentary, experimental and short films also add to the breadth of the learning experience.

Course details

What are the entry requirements?

A minimum of five GCSE subjects at grade 4 or above, including English, Film or Media Studies. Previous experience of Media or Film Studies is not required. There is a substantial essay writing component to this course.

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed at the end of two years through two exams (both 2 hours 30 minutes - worth 70%) and non-exam assessment (worth 30%).

Component Topic %
Examined component Covers the style, context, and meaning of both classic and independent American film, as well as modern British cinema. Examined components combined - 70%
Examined component Looks at the concept of global cinema, as well as documentary film, silent cinema and experimental film movements. Examined compoment combined - 70%
Coursework Comprises of an individual production, within a range of several format choices (short film, digital storyboard or screenplay) 30%

What extra work can I do?

It is expected of all film students that you undertake a substantial amount of work outside normal College hours. 


This includes: 

  • Reading: as much of and as varied as you can – and not only books, look out for relevant articles in the press. The College library has an excellent collection of media/film books and magazines
  • Research for assignments - books, magazines, newspapers, Internet, etc. 
  • Production work: if you have your own camera, do as much photography/video work as you can. 


The Media Workshop is open until 5.00 pm arrangements can also be made for you to work there until 9.00 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays.

What skills will I learn?

You will develop a range of communication skills, written, verbal and IT-based. You will need to be proficient at word processing and using a variety of IT software. Your interpersonal skills will also be developed, as you will be working within small groups in discussions, production work and giving presentations. Analysing film texts within their production contexts, aesthetics, and cultural significance will make up the majority of your workload, in the form of formal essay writing. There are also options for filmmaking. 


What is the department like?

We have a fully equipped workshop with high-quality digital cameras and industry-standard editing software. All classrooms are equipped with PCs with desktop publishing software. As part of the course, you will learn about the moving image industry and learn the behind the scenes tricks of the trade. The working environment is friendly- one that encourages both intellectual inquisitiveness and creativity. 

There are typically around 300 students in Film and Media Studies across the two year groups. The pass rate is very high with the majority of students achieving grades above the national average. 

The staff are enthusiastic about their subject and the college and enjoy supporting student learning and progression. The teaching incorporates a variety of approaches designed to suit different abilities and learning styles. We try hard to help any student with his / her own learner needs such as dyslexia and to stretch those with high academic ability. Visits, trips and speakers are built into the course.

Future Careers and Progression

What are the progression routes for this qualification?

For those interested in pursuing their studies and training in Film and the Media there are many HND and degree courses. These of are several kinds. 

There are courses that are: 

  • Largely practical in nature and are designed for those who want to work in the industry 
  • Wholly theoretical designed for people with an academic interest in the media 
  • Most commonly, those courses that contain a balance of practical and theory.
+ Enrichment programmes
Case studies
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‘No form of art goes beyond ordinary consciousness as film does, straight to our emotions, deep into the twilight room of the soul.’ ~ Ingmar Bergman

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